Category Archives: Uncategorized

Room with a view

16-35 cloud
The view from my room – Shot with 5D Mark III + Canon 16-35mm f/2.8 L II USM

I never really appreciated the view from my room’s window until I got into photography and learned how to be more aware and observant of my surroundings. Living on one of the top floors, I have the privilege of the unobstructed view.

This is perfect for me because I get most of the shots for my sky/cloud library to use for composites from here. With Singapore’s tropical climate, I can get apocalyptic cloudy shots today, and heavenly sunsets the next.

A Year of iPhone Photography & Art

I love making art out of images. Instead of taking normal-looking iPhone photos, I wanted to create photos that break the norm. I create these out-of-the world photos that sometimes look like galaxies and nebulas light years away with only my iPhone – From shooting to editing.

What apps do I use? I shall keep it a secret for now.

Some may call it over-done, or fake. But hey, it’s art. And for the most part, 99% of my Instagram followers seem to love it. I wouldn’t even call it photography. Here are some of my favorite pics which I created at end of 2011 and through 2012. Enjoy!